Enclosure Requirements
Check out all the items needed for setting up your hamster’s future enclosure, along with links to products I recommend on my Amazon Storefront!
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450+ Sq. Inches of Floor Space
Non-Scented Toilet Paper
No Cotton or Fabrics
High Variety, Healthy Food Mix Including: Herbs, Vegetables, Seeds, Insects & Grains
Water Bottle (preferably glass)
Water Dish (2in by 1 in)
Multi-Chamber Hide (works as a platform for other heavy objects, and mimics their way of living in the wild)
Ceramic Hide (allows the hamster to regulate their body temperature in hot & cold months)
Hay Hide (encourages the hamster to bite holes and make new burrow entrances)
Other Safe Materials: Terracotta, Birch, Cork
Plastic is best to be avoided, due to the plastic not fully blocking the light when your hamster is trying to sleep.
Minimum of 6 Inches of Bedding (covering the whole enclosure floor space)
Paper, or Aspen is safe! (along with Hemp, Birch or Spruce)
Pine, Cedar or Scented is unsafe
8 Inch Minimum
10-12 Inch (recommended)
No Wire or Mesh
No Flying Saucers
Reptile Sand (without calcium) or Soft Children’s Play Sand (sifted & baked)
No Chinchilla Dust/Powder, or Cat Litter or Bird Sand
Place Sand Bath Container on a platform to ensure safe burrowing.
Sand Bath Container: acrylic, glass, wood or plastic (preferably with a hide in the sand bath)
grapevine wood
cork or birch logs
bendy bridges
toilet paper tubes
extra hides
Whimzee Chews
DIY Boredom Breakers
Dried Flowers & Herbs
Examples of Previous Adopters Enclosures:
Shop my Favorite Enclosure Set-Up on Amazon!
Grapevine Wood
Multi-Chamber Hideout
Cork Log
Whimzee Chews
Birch Log